Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Do you want the good news or the bad news or the good news or...

What a day already and its only 4:30!

Todays adventure begins with a little sleeping in and then, of course, the checking of the painted swatches...gosh...I am digressing already! Out go the dogs, feed the cats, make the coffee and then I decided to make the phone calls I have been putting off.

I call the mortgage co. to tell them no dough. Mike is nice and says he will patch me thru to collections where they will tell me my options, during which, I of course get disconnected and get to start all over. I get back to collections finally and get a sweet little girl voice with a major accent who is trying very hard to use her best english to tell me she will send me papers to fill out for them to review any options they may offer and they will be there in four days, she assures me, but offers no info as to what those options will be. Mike, in the earlier call, had also suggested calling this Hope place for help w/a pymnt as well. I hang up from the nice girl, call the Hope place and she tells me they perform the same function as the papers the mtg co is sending, they will look at my whole life situation and decide what they will do with me. Hmmmm, so if the mtg company will do the same thing as Hope, why is there Hope? Renee proceeds to tell me what the options are that they can choose from so I can be prepared. I decide to make myself feel better with this info and the fact that they will not foreclose for 150 days...good news or bad news? you decide

So, I drop my neighbor off at her appointment and go to renew my license, 2 days expired. I had armed myself with info from the internet, confident that I would get my renewal without much ado. The 12 year old little blond gwen stefani lookin' girl looks at my license and is all "like your license is expired." and I'm like "well, yah, that's why I'm here" and she 's all " well, I need your state certified birth certificate." and I'm like " well, its 2 days and it was a long weekend" and she looks at me like I'm 4 and says, "you can renew it 60 days before." and I, looking sheepish, smartly reply "well, I didn't know that." Then dude comes over as I am relaying all my internet research (which was all a LIE) and he says, "you can bring your passport too." To which I snarl, "my passport is 20 years old" and he goes "it doesn't matter, its a primary form of ID like your birth certificate." I say, "but it says on the internet that I can use my health card or my voters reg" and he's all "that is secondary ID" so I say "well, my 2 secondaries beats your one primary!" "He looks at me all exasperated-fatherlike and hands me a number and says call the OHP exam site and they'll tell you what they will take. Now I am crying and take the number , say thank you, it's not your fault, and leave (I am mostly always polite).

Ok, deep breath, dial the OHP # and ask the robot guy who answers "whasssup". He says the same thing tag dude said and I am laughing quietly when I ask him "so you'll take a 20yr old EXPIRED passport but not a 2 day expired license?" He says thats right. OK, I give up.
Lots of bad news...

Now I gotta go pick up my perscription and I am hopeful that my $25 transfer gift cert coupon will work...Y? well, because I trfrd a Walgreen script to CVS for a $25 card and then I trfrd it back to Walgreens for their gift card BUT since it was originally Walgreens in the first place. Not only did they honor the offer (wheeeeee, toilet paper cometh!) but the drug dude rings up my script and says $15. I look up from the store flyer (oooo I still have $5.00 what can I buy?) and almost yell "no" and explain that my co-pay is higher and I don't want to cheat them. Drug dude checks again and says "well,you got the generic" and now I am freaking because apparently I could have been saving $10 a month and they have withheld this life-chaing info! Drug dude checks again and says "it's only been out a month" "oh" I say "well, cool". So now I have saved $10 AND drug girl says "would you like to use the gift card to pay for the drugs?" Yeah! Duh! I am not saying anything else because just because its in writing on the net or the coupon doesn't make it so! I did read the terms and conditions and it specifically say the card could NOT be used on the co-pay. Sheesh...they either know their job or they don't. Everyone has made me tired today. I m done! I take my drugs, toilet paper and gatorade, oh, and my 2 for $1 snickers bars and go home. Good news? I guess it all evens out in the end but it all feels like the roller coaster is out of control.

BTW the mortgage company called when I got home and asked if I wanted to make a payment...

I am going to bed now...


1 comment:

Its Me(SARA) Behind the Camera said...

Just leaving you a COMMENT that you need to update your BLOG... feather left me one a long time ago... :) I am glad I got to see you on Saturday! :)